陈小笨: life is a little bit complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. We all make mistakes ,we all have limitations, which means we all have a lot in common. The more we try to understand others, the more exceptional each of us will be. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you and me.
子丸:最初以为是灾难片 想着罗兰对灾难片真是情有独钟啊 结果看着看着变科幻了 而且还是那种脱离现实基础的空想科幻 放十来年前还行 怪就怪诺兰的星际穿越太硬核了 导致后来科幻片不硬科幻都不好意思说自己是客户 而软科幻作品则尽可能让自己跟硬科幻作品撇清关系 结果这种不硬不软的作品看着真的尴尬